Ashtanga Led Primary with Yan Ong audio download

Ashtanga Led Primary with Yan Ong audio download
Full Led Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga with Vinyasa Count in Sanskrit as taught in Mysore, India at the Ashtanga Institute by lineage holder Paramaguru Sharath Jois in the exact time of 90mins with an additional 5mins nadi shodhana (alternative nostril breathing) by Authorised Level 2 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Yan Ong. Audio only for use as part of your weekly home practice to integrate with an existing Mysore-style learning of Ashtanga Yoga.
Full Sanskrit counted Ashtanga Yoga Led Primary Series mp3 download for no fuss existing Ashtanga Practitioners to practice at home. Including nadishodana (alternate nostril breathing) and a moment to get into Marichsana D! :) Each download is USD$2+
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Ashtanga Led Primary is for students whom already know all or part of the Ashtanga primary series sequence, this audio download is a led count with the names of postures and vinyasa in traditional Sanskrit. It is advised to only practice up until what you have learnt in a Mysore Class. If you are not practicing the full sequence you may rejoin at Urdhva Dhanurasana.